layout: docs.hbs

title: Stopping Akka.NET Actors

Stopping Akka.NET Actors

Quoted from How to Stop an Actor... the Right Way

Ways to Stop An Actor

There are four ways to stop an actor:

  1. Stop() the actor: stops the actor immediately after it finishes processing the current message.
  2. Kill the actor: this throws an ActorKilledException which will be logged and handled. The actor will stop immediately after it finishes processing the current message.
  3. Send the actor a PoisonPill: the actor will finish processing the messages currently in its mailbox, and then Stop.
  4. Gracefully stop the actor: stop an actor and get confirmation that the shutdown has completed.

Let's review each option in detail.

The Default: Stop() an Actor

This is the go-to method to stop an actor, and should be your default approach.

What Happens When I Stop() an Actor?

This is the sequence of events when you Stop() an actor:

  1. Actor receives the Stop message and suspends the actor's Mailbox.
  2. Actor tells all its children to Stop. Stop messages propagate down the hierarchy below the actor.
  3. Actor waits for all children to stop.
  4. Actor calls PostStop lifecycle hook method for resource cleanup.
  5. Actor shuts down.

The point of this sequence is to make sure that an actor—and any hierarchy beneath it—have a clean shut down.

How Do I Use Stop()?

You Stop() an actor via the ActorContext, like this:

// targetActorRef dies immediately after
// it's finished processing current message

When Do I Use Stop() vs. My Other Options?

Stop() is your go-to method and should be your default approach.

Use Stop unless you have a specific reason to use PoisonPill or Kill.

Graceful Shutdown: Sending an Actor a PoisonPill

PoisonPill shuts down the actor AFTER it finishes processing the messages in its mailbox.

What Happens When I Send an Actor a PoisonPill?

Like Stop, PoisonPill message is an auto-received, system-level message. But the actor handles a PoisonPill in a different manner than Stop. Rather than being handled immediately, the actor treats a PoisonPill like an ordinary message. The PoisonPill goes to the back of the actor's mailbox.

The actor then processes the messages that are ahead of the PoisonPill in the mailbox. Once it reaches the PoisonPill, the actor tells itself to Stop and the sequence above will begin.

How Do I Use PoisonPill?

You send an actor a PoisonPill like this:

// targetActorRef dies once it processes
// all messages currently in mailbox

When Do I Use PoisonPill vs. My Other Options?

You should use PoisonPill when you want the actor to process its mailbox before shutting down. There are many times this may come up, but they are use-case dependent.

Noisy on Purpose: Kill the Actor

Kill will cause an actor to be Stopped by its supervisor. In the process, the supervisor will log the ActorKilledException.

What Happens When I Kill an Actor?

  1. The actor throws) an ActorKilledException. The actor's supervisor logs this message.
    • Note: This suspends the actor mailbox from processing further user messages.
  2. The actor's supervisor handles the ActorKilledException and issues a Stop directive.
  3. The actor will stop per the Stop sequence outlined above.

How Do I Use Kill?

You Kill an actor like this:

// targetActorRef dies immediately once it's finished
// processing current message, by throwing an ActorKilledException
// which is logged and handled by supervisor of targetActorRef

When Do I Use Kill vs. My Other Options?

When you want it to show in your logs that the actor was killed. This is pretty uncommon, but it does come up.

Shutdown With Confirmation: GracefulStop

There is a fourth way to shut down an actor: GracefulStop. This convenience method wraps the methods above.

Sometimes you want to stop an actor and have your caller get confirmation that the target IActorRef has been stopped. For this, you can use the GracefulStop extension method.

What Happens When I Send an Actor a GracefulStop?

By default, the actor will be sent a PoisionPill and will return your caller a Task<bool> which will complete within the timeout you specify.

There is also an overload you can use to swap in a different message for PoisonPill (e.g. Stop instead of PoisonPill).

How Do I Use GracefulStop?

You GracefulStop an actor like this:

// targetActorRef is sent a PoisonPill by default
// and returns a task whose result confirms shutdown within 5 seconds
var shutdown = targetActorRef.GracefulStop(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

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