layout: docs.hbs

title: Scheduler


Sometimes the need for making things happen in the future arises, and where do you go look then? Look no further than ActorSystem! There you find the Scheduler property that returns an instance of Akka.Actor.Scheduler, this instance is unique per ActorSystem and is used internally for scheduling things to happen at specific points in time.

You can schedule sending of messages to actors and execution of tasks (Action delegate). You will get a Task back. By providing a CancellationTokenSource you can cancel the scheduled task.

Scheduling timing is inexact.

Some examples

var system = ActorSystem.Create("MySystem");
var someActor = system.ActorOf<SomeActor>("someActor");
var someMessage = new SomeMessage() {...};
             someActor, someMessage);

The above example will schedule "someMessage" to be sent to "someActor" every 5 seconds.

If you schedule a closure you should be extra careful to not pass or close over unstable references. In practice this means that you should not call methods on the enclosing actor from within the closure. If you need to schedule an invocation it is better to use the Schedule() variant accepting a message and an IActorRef to schedule a message to self (containing the necessary parameters) and then call the method when the message is received.