layout: docs.hbs

title: Akka.Cluster Configuration

Akka.Cluster Configuration

In this section, we'll review the most important and commonly used Cluster configuration options. To see the full list of options, check out the full Cluster conf file here.

Critical Configuration Options

Here are the most common options for configuring a node in the cluster:

  • min-nr-of-members: the minimum number of member nodes required to be present in the cluster before the leader marks nodes as Up.
    • min size per role: the minimum number of member nodes for the given role required to be present in the cluster before the role leader marks nodes with the specified role as Up.
  • seed-nodes: The addresses of the seed nodes to join automatically at startup. Comma-separated list of URI strings. A node may list itself as a seed node and "self-join."
  • roles: the roles that this node is to fulfill in the cluster. List of strings, e.g. roles = ["A", "B"].

You can see all of these options being used in the following HOCON:

akka {
   actor.provider = "Akka.Cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider, Akka.Cluster"
    remote {
        helios.tcp {
            port = 8081
            hostname = localhost
    cluster {
       seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp//[email protected]:8081"] # address of seed node
       roles = ["crawler", "logger"] # roles this member is in
       crawler.min-nr-of-members = 3 # crawler role minimum node count

Specifying Minimum Cluster Sizes

One feature of Akka.Cluster that can be useful in a number of scenarios is the ability to specify a minimum cluster size, i.e. "this cluster must have at least 3 nodes present before it can be considered 'up'."

Akka.Cluster supports this behavior at both a cluster-wide and a per-role level.

Cluster-Wide Minimum Size

If you want to specify a cluster-wide minimum size, then we need to set the cluster.min-nr-of-members property inside our HOCON configuration, like this:

akka {
   actor.provider = "Akka.Cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider, Akka.Cluster"
    remote {
        helios.tcp {
            port = 8081
            hostname = localhost
    cluster {
       seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp//[email protected]:8081"]
       min-nr-of-members = 3

In this case, the leader of the cluster will delay firing any ClusterEvent.MemberUp messages until 3 nodes have connected to the leader and have not become unreachable. So you can use this setting in combination with your own user-defined actors who subscribe to the Cluster for gossip messages (MemberUp, specifically) to know if your cluster has reached its minimum size or not.

Per-Role Minimum Size

If you want to delay nodes of a specific role from being marked as up until a certain minimum has been reached, you can accomplish that via HOCON too!

akka {
   actor.provider = "Akka.Cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider, Akka.Cluster"
    remote {
        helios.tcp {
            port = 8081
            hostname = localhost
    cluster {
       seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp//[email protected]:8081"]
       roles = ["crawlerV1", "crawlerV2"]
       crawlerV1.min-nr-of-members = 3

This tells the role leader for crawlerV1 to not mark any of those nodes as up until at least three nodes with role crawlerV1 have joined the cluster.

Additional Resources