layout: docs.hbs

title: Network Security

Akka.Remote Security

This section is extremely brief - as of today there are no built-in secure transports in Akka.Remote. Security is a "do it yourself" exercise.

That being said, however, Helios - the socket library that powers all of the transports in Akka.Remote, is working on plans to introduce TLS and DTLS inside Helios 2.0, which will bring asymmetric encryption and secure sockets to Akka.Remote.

But in the meantime, we have to create our own security options around Akka.Remote.

Secure the Network: Akka.Remote with Virtual Private Networks

The absolute best practice for securing remote Akka.NET applications today is to make the network around the applications secure - don't use public, open networks! Instead, use a private network to restrict machines that can contact Akka.Remote processes to ones who have your VPN credentials.

Some options for doing this: